Home Cleansing Smudge Set

from $20.00

Smudging is one of the ways to energetically cleanse a space to remove negative energy and invite positive energy. Crystals enhance your cleansing ritual and lend their properties to your intentions. The feather is used to fan the smoke from your sage or palo santo, ensuring that it reaches every corner of your space.

Your smudged and cleansed space will have an added aromatherapy energy for your meditation, ritual, and self care. Create a routine that feels right to you since there is no right or wrong way to cleanse your area - then smudge away! And, as an added benefit, all of the herbs used to make the smudge sticks are sourced and ethically harvested.

To cleanse a person or space, simply light the end of the stick, extinguish the flame and gently waft the smoke in the air using your hand or feather. To give the negative energy a way out of your space, open windows/doors. The smoke fills and purifies your space. You will want to use a fire safe bowl or plate to place your smudge stick on to prevent a fire hazard. Salt and sand work great to help snub out the smoldering fire.

**When smudging a space, you will be burning herbal material. Make sure to open a window/door to prevent heavy smoke inhalation. Also, some fire alarms are sensitive to smoke filled rooms.

**Use smudge sticks with care because they could start a fire if not extinguished all of the way or left unattended. NEVER LEAVE A LIT OR SMOLDERING SMUDGE STICK UNATTENDED.

Box #1 - Energy Cleansing Bundle

Lavender with White Sage

Chakra White Sage (rose petals)

White Sage

Palo Santo

Rose Quartz - raw crystal

Fluorite - raw crystal

Tourmaline - raw crystal


Box #2 - Energy Cleansing Bundle

Blue Sage and Peppermint

Black Sage

White Sage and Sweetgrass

Palo Santo

Rose Quartz - raw crystal

Fluorite - raw crystal

Blue Kyanite - raw crystal


**Each box includes index cards with meanings of each item in the bundle

**Each box includes a small black velvet drawstring bag to hold the crystals

**Smudge sticks average 4” long

**Coloration of material may vary due to photography lighting

**Please note that crystals and gemstones are made from natural material and may not be 100% perfect in shape. There may be parts of the crystal that are darker or lighter in coloration that other parts and imperfections that make them one of a kind.

**Herb and crystal representations are not a medical claim. It is not intended to substitute for medical advise not is it a treatment for any diagnosis.

Crystals and herbs have been used for thousands of years to aid in remedies and energetic well being in addition to physical and mental therapy. Individual intentions and beliefs reflect the outcome of the workings of using crystals for healing purposes. Crystals and other energy tools should not be used as a replacement for medical treatments or in lieu of a diagnosis. Please consult a health care professional for any medical advice.

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