How To Manifest - Make Your Dreams A Reality in 40 Days

Sale Price:$14.00 Original Price:$19.99

An empowering 40 day plan for manifesting your dreams. Each entry in this manifestation book is accompanied by an exercise that builds on the previous one.

By the end, you’ll see what you hoped for embodied in the real world! Manifestation is a wildly popular concept emphasizing the strength of personal power in brining your deepest desires into the realm of the physical.

Put simply: what you dream, you can achieve. Wellness educator Laura Chung charts a plan for manifesting dreams, filled with the most essential information you’ll need to get started (an intention, a blank journal, and this book!).

Her techiques include: intention setting, meditation, and ritual to connect your inner wisdom for guidance. You will learn how to craft your own story through the practice of scripting and create an abundance mindset through inspired action and writing.

Hardcover book with printed laminated cover.

Size: 6”x8” ; 240 pages

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