Selenite Orgonite Cube

Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$25.00

Orgonite is used to cleanse negative energy and to counteract the effects electromagnetic waves have on our body. It can help improve your life physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Orgonite is based on two principles. It is a mix of resin (organic , as it is based on petrochemicals), and metal shavings (inorganic).

Selenite is said to be a powerful healing crystal that promotes peace and calm, mental clarity, and well being. It is also believed by some that this crystal can removed negative energy and help you connect to higher realms.

Origin: India

Orgonite cubes measure approximately 2”x2” (average size)

Please allow for variation on size, color, and shape.

**Crystal representations are not a medical claim. It is not intended to substitute for medical advise nor is a treatment for any diagnosis. Crystals have been used for thousands of years to aid in remedies and energetic well being in addition to physical and mental therapy. Individual intentions and beliefs reflect the outcome of the workings of using crystals for healing purposes. Crystal and other energy tools should not be used as a replacement for medical treatments or in lieu of a diagnosis. Please consult a health care professional for any medical advise.

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